Home > ATS Test and Tag Insights > Don’t be misled by your test and tag provider!

Don’t be misled by your test and tag provider!

Sarah Allen

We received some interesting feedback from a prospective client, let’s call him Bob. This week Bob called us as a result of feedback a WorkSafe Victoria inspector had given him about his current test and tag program.

Bob’s current test and tag provider had been testing every single item in his workshop and office on a 6 monthly basis. Now when you look at the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760:2022 and the recommended retest frequencies detailed in Table 4 of that standard, you will realise that this is blatant over testing by the current provider. The current provider was obviously taking advantage of Bob’s lack of knowledge and simply ripping him off – twice a year for many years!

To the Worksafe Victoria inspectors credit, he outlined Bob’s responsibilities and explained that only the items in the workshop (and maybe not all of them depending on what it is and where it is located) required 6 monthly testing. He told Bob the items in his office would be either a 12 month or a 5-year retest depending on what it is and where it is located.

Bob was horrified. He had believed everything his current provider had told him – blindly following along with no idea he was being ripped off. Needless to say he was relieved when we gave him an honest assessment of what was required that was actually in line with the Australian Standard!

Sadly, Bob’s story is not the only one we have been told by prospective clients who now realise they have been ripped off by unscrupulous providers trying to make a quick buck.

At ATS, each of our technicians pride ourselves on our honest assessment of your requirements. We guarantee we test and tag in accordance with Australian StandardsWHS Regulations and the QLD Electrical Safety Regulations – and we work with you to educate you as to your responsibilities. Your piece of mind is just as important to us as it is to you.

Having provided test and tag services across Australia since 2002, we most certainly haven’t established our business on making a quick buck! 

For more information, visit feel free to complete the form below or call our support office on 1300 287 669. 


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