Home > ATS Test and Tag Insights > RCD’s …. not a panacea for safety! 

RCD’s …. not a panacea for safety! 


Whilst any Electrician worth his salt knows that an RCD is not the be all and end all for Electrical Safety, they also know that RCD’s have and will continue to save lives.

Quite rightly, the QLD Electrical Safety regulations stipulate the installation of fixed RCD’s in all Manufacturing environments. However, the Regulations also state that if you have RCD’s protecting every circuit of your Office then you are not required to complete Testing and Tagging on any of your portable electrical appliances.

With the ability to seemingly work from anywhere (as I write I am in a remote part of Victoria typing on a computer with not one RCD in sight!), along with the blurring of our work and personal lives, business could be leaving itself open should an employee receive an electric shock from a portable electrical appliance outside of the traditional workplace.

We encourage all businesses, regardless of location to think about where and when their electrical appliances are being used, and to put in place effective electrical safety plans – based on the reality of the way business operates, and not simply to tick a legislative box.


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